On the virtue of clearing out our houses

Believe me, if we want art to begin at home, as it must, we must clear our houses of troublesome superfluities that are for ever in our way, conventional comforts that are no real comforts, and do but make work for servants and doctors. If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: HAVE NOTHING IN YOUR HOUSES THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW TO BE USEFUL, OR BELIEVE TO BE BEAUTIFUL.
— William Morris, 19 February 1880

We'll categorize this one under "Like Minds/Best Practices." It's primary meaning is clear, but it would seem to apply just as well to dramaturgy and the construction of plays.

How else might it apply? There's a comment section below the blog. 

Is this not why we go to the mountains, to clear our figurative houses? Found this quote on one of those fancy handmade cards up in the Blue Ridge.